Wave Moves.

Which moves should you choose, to be on top?


This is a very hard question to answer, for sure if you do not go high in the jumps or do what the wave tells you to do, there is little chance.

The wave discipline is a hard one, as for each event you only have one double elimination and this can be done, in one day. Ok it means you have 2 chances to clime the ladder, but it can be just that 1 day. If you are having a bad one?

The format can change, but it is nearly always 1 Jump and 2 waves. Like in the freestyle, they can add another jump from the quarter finals up. When there are very little waves, they can make it 2 jumps and 1 wave. Plus if there is very little wind but great waves, they can do just 2 waves. On the odd occasion it can be 2 jumps, 2 waves for the whole event.

There are no limits on the amount of jumps or waves you can ride but it is still wise to be selective.



We will go through jumps first, as it is always good to get 2 in the first 2 runs. They do not have to be the top scoring ones, but if you do not complete the quota, you automatically loose the heat.

Double Forward Loop

This is the jump you have to do to be in the top 5, so you are always looking for the correct ramp.

Double-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/double-forward-loop-philip-koster-15/

Stalled-Double-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/double-forward-loop-marcilio-browne-4/

Stalled-Double-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/double-forward-loop-ricardo-campello-7/

Stalled-Double-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/double-forward-loop-stalled-philip-koster/

This next one has a big ?, is it riding or jumping?

Double-Forward-ofthelip:- http://www.continentseven.com/double-forward-loop-off-the-lip-philip-koster/

 Back Loop


Backloop:- http://www.continentseven.com/backloop-alessio-stillrich-2/

This is still a high scoring jump and one that is easy to find, just make sure it is high. You can then do some variations.

Backloop-onefoot:- http://www.continentseven.com/alex-mussolini-backloop-one-footed/

Backloop-onehand:- http://www.continentseven.com/backloop-graham-ezzy/

Backloop-onefoot-onehand:- http://www.continentseven.com/backloop-one-handed-one-footed-victor-fernandez-lopez/

Crazy-Pete:- http://www.continentseven.com/crazy-pete-victor-fernandez-lopez/

Again we have them on a wave as well.

Backloop-ofthelip:- http://www.continentseven.com/backloop-off-the-lip-philip-koster/



This is not a high scoring jump, so just make sure it is full planing

Planing-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/forward-loop-moritz-mauch/

or high and controlled.

Stalled-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/forward-loop-stalled-ricardo-campello-3/

Push loop

This is another go to jump.

Pushloop-Tweaked:- http://www.continentseven.com/pushloop-tweaked-victor-fernandez-lopez/

Pushloop-Tweaked:- http://www.continentseven.com/pushloop-tweaked-alessio-stillrich-6/

Then you have the combo.

Pushloop-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/pushloop-into-forward-loop-ricardo-campello/

Pushloop-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/pushloop-into-forward-loop-robby-swift/

And some more jumps.

Tabletop-onhand:- http://www.continentseven.com/table-top-one-handed-victor-fernandez-lopez/  

Tabletop-Forward:- http://www.continentseven.com/table-top-forward-daida-moreno/ 

Cheeseroll-Backloop:- http://www.continentseven.com/foubackward-philip-koster/

Wave riding


There are many styles, not only from the different riders but also different wave and wind conditions.

Grand Canaria and Tenerife, side on and tends to be smaller.

Side-On:- http://www.continentseven.com/wave-ride-side-onshore-ricardo-campello/

Side-On:- http://www.continentseven.com/waveriding-side-onshore-philip-koster/

Side-On:- http://www.continentseven.com/wave-ride-side-onshore-moritz-mauch/

Klitmoler and Sylt tend to be larger waves and more confused.

On-Shore:- http://www.continentseven.com/waveriding-onshore-ricardo-campello/

Maui, down the line.

Down-the-Line:- http://www.continentseven.com/waveriding-down-the-line-slowmo-levi-siver/

Down-the-Line:- http://www.continentseven.com/waveriding-down-the-line-slowmo-kauli-seadi/

Down-the-Line:- http://www.continentseven.com/waveriding-down-the-line-graham-ezzy/


So lets have a look at some of the moves in the clips above.

Backside 3

This can be done off the white water, on the face, off a chop on the face or as an aerial.

Backside-3:- http://www.continentseven.com/backside-wave-360-graham-ezzy/

Backside-3:- http://www.continentseven.com/backside-wave-360-alex-mussolini/

Backside-3:- http://www.continentseven.com/backside-wave-360-victor-fernandez-lopez/

Backside-3:- http://www.continentseven.com/backside-wave-360-victor-fernandez-lopez/

Reverse, Campello, wave Grubby.

Reverse:- http://www.continentseven.com/reverse-philip-koster/

Reverse:- http://www.continentseven.com/reverse-ricardo-campello/

This is a very nice move to slow down and stay in the pocket.

Backside Aerial

Backside-Air:- http://www.continentseven.com/backside-aerial-jules-denel/

Frontside Wave 360


Frontside-Wave-360:- http://www.continentseven.com/frontside-wave-360-alex-mussolini-3/

Frontside-Wave-360:- http://www.continentseven.com/frontside-wave-360-antoine-martin/



Taka:- http://www.continentseven.com/taka-alex-mussolini-2/

Taka-onehand:- http://www.continentseven.com/taka-one-handed-graham-ezzy-2/

Air-Taka:- http://www.continentseven.com/air-taka-leon-jamaer/


Goiter:- http://www.continentseven.com/goiter-ricardo-campello/

Goiter:- http://www.continentseven.com/goiter-john-skye/

Goiter:- http://www.continentseven.com/goiter-moritz-mauch/

Goiter-onehand:- http://www.continentseven.com/goiter-one-handed-philip-koster-3/

Goiter-onehand:- http://www.continentseven.com/goiter-one-handed-graham-ezzy/

Personally I do like the introduction of freestyle moves into the waves, especially when the conditions are small and they have to work the white water a lot.


Now I hope they will start to score some of the multi rotation jumps they are doing in Freestyle, as they need a wave to make it spectacular.
